Creating With Intuition: How Mindset Leads to Valuable Content Creation

A creators biggest blocker is their mindset and inability to make content others find valuable

7 min readJan 21, 2021

Switching over from a passive consumer to an active creator is life-changing.

Once you adopt the identity of a creator, a new life begins. You’re able to express yourself, monetize your passions, and connect with like-minded individuals. Being a creator in a world where it’s easy to lounge and mindlessly gobble other people’s content is a superpower.

Those who make the switch are ahead of the curve. They’re learning digital street smarts, leaving them well equipped to navigate life.

Creators come in all shapes and sizes. They might have humble beginnings from platforms such as TikTok, Youtube, or Instagram. Perhaps they’ve moved from horizontal social networks and have begun building out their own personal monopoly. It could include merchandise, community building, or productizing themselves.

Yet, the creator’s journey is a difficult one.

There are two main hurdles each creator must tackle. They must first adopt the mindset of a creator. It’s critical, as it preps the individual for content creation and allows them to push back on the fear of publishing online.

They then need to determine how they will create value through their content. If what they’re producing isn’t beneficial to others, they’ll be stuck in a digital echo chamber.


The way you think about life determines your perceived reality.

Mindset is critical. As a creator, you will have to shift your way of thinking to allow yourself to create openly, freely, consistently, and without fear.

A mindset rooted in scarcity and judgment will never allow a creator to flourish. Here’s what to remember as you’re gearing up to become a creator.

Check Your Ego at the Door

If you’re afraid to publish online, you have an issue.

An ego issue.

It means you believe people will disproportionately care about what you have to say. Reality check: they don’t.

It’s an irrational fear. As Marcus Aurelius goes, “We all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own.”

Can you remember the last time you stumbled on a mediocre piece of content? The first and last name of the creator that brought it into fruition? Doubtful.

Don’t let your ego get in the way of publishing online content. People aren’t patiently sitting by their computer, waiting for your next digital footprint. To put it as gently as possible: get over yourself.

You can either find this discouraging or liberating. You’d be doing your creativity a favor if you chose the latter. You’ll be much happier (and come up with better ideas) without feeling the pressure to impress anyone.

Don’t Expect Anything From Your Creativity

When you put pressure on yourself to be a successful creator, you’ve got to be careful.

Creativity cannot flourish when your ego is constantly watching and telling it things like,

  • “Send me money!”
  • “Bring me likes, retweets, and DMs!”
  • “Make me appear otherworldly and unforgettable!”

This is the equivalent of yelling at a cat. It has no idea what you’re talking about and all you’re doing is freaking it out.

Don’t go into your creator’s journey bullying creativity into a corner. Expecting it to bring you riches, make you IG famous, and appear unique is suffocating. Your creativity is a magical, sacred thing, and comes from a place deep within. Giving it bills to pay and social media accounts to run is guaranteed to scare it off.

Creativity thrives under curiosity, not obligations. Yet it can be frightening to create with no agenda. We’re afraid creativity will wander in the void aimlessly, failing to make any kind of meaningful impact.

Yet the void of the internet is an illusion. The internet is vast yet there are serendipitous encounters at every turn. By letting your creativity tumble into this digital abyss, it’s guaranteed to fall on someone’s lap.

Become a Scientist

Do not become emotionally attached to whatever it is you create.

It’s understandable why we’d want to coddle our creations. We see them as a byproduct of our soul, an extension of ourselves. But becoming emotionally invested in each piece we put out into the world will result in mental exhaustion.

There will be times where your pride swells after publishing a piece of content online, only for it to be met with dead silence. Other times where you published something you felt “meh” about, but it resonated online.

You simply never know.

The key is to adopt a mindset of a scientist and observe objectively. Scientists don’t become attached to the hypothesis or experiments they’re conducting on a daily basis. If something doesn’t take off, they go back to the drawing board. If their hypothesis is proven correct, they lean into that observation and go from there.

What a scientist doesn’t do is kick, cry, and get disappointed when their hypothesis is disproven. Their job is to see what works, and what doesn’t.

Be a scientist with your content. And don’t forget to experiment constantly.

How to Create Value Within the Content You’re Creating

Plant these new ideas into your headspace to help cultivate a mind ready for content creation. Push your ego out of the way so you’re unafraid to publish. Let your creativity run free. Emotionally detach from the content you’ll be producing.

Let’s explore what makes a piece of content valuable. This applies to all mediums, ranging from TikTok to long-form articles. Creating with intuition is universal.

Gather Data

Let’s go back to the idea of being a scientist. A good scientist isn’t only objective about their experiments — they also experiment a lot.

They test out every possible angle, hypothesis, and ingredient, scratching their heads to each outcome.

As a creator, this means you should be constantly producing various types of content based on various topics. It’s how you’ll notice what resonates with your audience versus what falls flat.

To create your pile of “hypotheses” you’ll want to build out your niche. Combine your authentic interest with your perceived knowledge to determine your niche.

For example, you’re fascinated by philosophy (authentic interest). Yet that’s too broad. So you pair it with the fact that you’ve been a nurse for the past five years (perceived knowledge). Now, you’re the philosophical nurse. You see where this is going.

You can mix and match your interests and knowledge. Chances are, you’re defined by much more than your career. Your perceived knowledge is also defined by:

  • How did you grow up?
  • How do you identify?
  • What other jobs have you had?
  • What do people consider you an “expert” in?

As for the authentic interest, you could uncover it by asking yourself:

  • What do I like to do in my free time?
  • What are my recommendations on Youtube?
  • What are my recent search results on Google?
  • What could I talk about for hours and hours?

Publish each combination. Then, double down on what performs best. Use the built-in analytics of the platform you’re using to determine what people like best.

Because remember, people tell you what they want to hear more of. Not the other way around.

Become an Expert

People find something valuable when they feel as though they’ve learned something. They want to see the world in a new light, feel inspired, and walk away 1% more enlightened than they did previous to seeing your content.

Though for others to learn from you, they will have to see you as a kind of expert.

Before you freak out and go, “But I’m not an expert at anything!”, relax. There are three kinds of experts, two of them which don’t require any sort of experience. Seriously.

  1. Results-Based Expert: Someone who has proof, authority, and the numbers to back it up. They’ve been in the game for a while. The common and classic definition of “an expert.”
  2. Role-Model Expert: Someone who shares their journey and documents their story. They build in public on a social networking platform. They share what they learn as it pertains to the subject.
  3. Research Expert: Collect information on what you learn and share it in a captivating way. This takes the form of interviews, curating content, and Tweetstorms. There’s even a Youtube channel called “UNSOLVED 4murders” where a Youtuber does her makeup while recounting a murder story.

The last two types of experts have no barrier to entry. It means anyone can get started on becoming an expert today.

A reminder that creativity is not a binary definition, nor is it black or white. What seems obvious to you isn’t to others. When you take what you’ve learned and put it out there, there’s a solid chance people will see you as an expert in their eyes.

None of this Matters if You Don’t Do One Thing

Don’t be one of those people who reads this article and walks away. The easy part was scanning this content and nodding along. The hard part is now putting your knowledge into action.

Joining a community of like-mind creators will help you in your journey. They’ll provide accountability, inspiration, and guidance. The best community for every creator is on Officeparty.

Officeparty hosts creator communities from all around the world, and we don’t doubt you’ll find your community on our platform.

If you’d like to begin your creator journey, find you people who will support you here.




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